Realestate Opportunity

Lake… Mind… Deep… Dive…

Cathy’s Lake  is a place of peace, refuge and unbound nature. It’s not a normal trimmed hedge, perfect lawn, controlled growth frontal mask. My feeling is that we’ve gone too long wearing masks. Nor, was it repainted every year. Cathy’s Home is her attempt at regaining a more natural heritage. 

Scroll down and take a look.   All images and videos were taken from flowers, pods and foliage living here at HOME. There are rarities you could never find at a florist shop. If you’r a person who enjoys rubbing elbows with flowers, foliage and all shapes of uniqueness inside and out… perhaps adapt our HOME. 


CATHY’S HOUSE… now for sale, was constructed 22 years ago, block, mortar, steal and stone.

“Look up, look down, look around us, wander threw us, smell our flowers, collect our seeds, pods and novelties for your vases and places.  Be you in, be you out, you be surrounded by the light of our mysteries of life.

Pond Lillies and Me 

 Why not raise baby trout to the pond out front. I don’t think the frogs will mind. Water hyacinth cloak the water with interesting foliage all year. Their flowers emerge at the height of spring equinox. Get out your glass ware and adorn your whole house in Lavender. With the setting sun the varied species of indigenous frogs begin their orchestra. Every species has their unique calls and croaked. Ohhh! have you read where AI has decoded the language of whales? Makes you wonder what our frogs are all talking about.

Nursery Space 

The front yard pond is ample enough to raise your own trout tilapia and tadpoles. The setting sun sounds of indigenous frogs croaking for a love bite…. 


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We would be more than happy to send you updated information on our offering. If you need more information or have any questions, please feel free to contact David, my husband. 

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